Temporary Tattoo Sticker Application Instructions

Application of Tattoo Stickers is not a rocket science. Yet! There are instructions to follow. Failing which, you would be wasting one sticker! So do read the instructions below carefully for the best experience 🙂

How to Apply Tattoo Stickers on Skin

ALWAYS hold the cut piece by the edge, especially when peeled

Temporary Tattoo Sticker Printing - Applying on Skin - Step 1

Wipe dirt & oil from skin where you want the tattoo on

Temporary Tattoo Sticker Printing - Applying on Skin - Step 2

Peel off one transparent reflective layer from the sticker

Temporary Tattoo Sticker Printing - Applying on Skin - Step 3

Apply the peeled side firmly on skin

Temporary Tattoo Sticker Printing - Applying on Skin - Step 4

Press firmly upon the tattoo sticker with a wet towel for 45 seconds

Temporary Tattoo Sticker Printing - Applying on Skin - Step 5 (Done!)

With the help of the wet towel, pull back slowly – to slide the tattoo sticker backing paper off (the opaque paper)

Temporary Tattoo Sticker Printing - Applying on Skin - Show Off

Show off your latest art on you!

How to Remove Tattoo Stickers from Skin

The tattoo is applied on the skin as a special sticker. It can be easily removable but not via conventional means

  1. Pour rubbing alcohol or babyoil on the area with the tattoo,
    Focus on the edge of the sticker
  2. Peel the sticker off slowly, or lightly rub it off ; NOTE: this should be a pain-free process!

Extra notes for tattoo stickers

The tattoo sticker is a sticker and thus the typical characteristics / ‘problems’ of stickers remain

  1. It is harder to stick on skin surface with a lot of hair / sweaty / grease
  2. After application, it is best to avoid any disturbance to the tattoo for at least half an hour
  3. Avoid sticking tattoo sticker on skin areas with crease and folds / that are uneven
  4. Even though the tattoo sticker is high grade and safe for use on skin, in the case of inherent skin allergy or otherwise, please exercise caution. Stop using the moment skin allergy reaction surfaces, and best to consult a medical profession ASAP in that rare case

Case study : badly applied tattoo sticker

Safety margin around the tattoo sticker help these little wonders work like magic.
Below is an example of a sticker that did not adhere to the safety margin instructions, and how it looks on the skin – not great :(.
Do note that badly applied tattoo stickers are not reusable, so always print a little extra for your event!
This is also why our artwork specifications are to be strictly adhered to!

Temporary Tattoo Sticker Printing - Sample of sticker with insufficient safety margin
Temporary Tattoo Sticker Sample with insufficient safety margin
Temporary Tattoo Sticker Printing - Sample of sticker with insufficient safety margin
Temporary Tattoo Sticker Sample with insufficient safety margin on skin

More Questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact our teams @ magicprint.sg@gmail.com !